Novelist in Training

Join S. Steven Smith as
shares the experience
and progress of writing his first novel.

   Welcome to my novel writing experience!

Fabulous Fifty!

Fabulous Fifty Percent that is.  As of this day, I'm past the fifty percent mark with the first draft of my novel.  As I've estimated the novel to come in at around 85,000 words, so this puts me at the halfway mark.

On one hand, I feel bad that it's taken this long to get here, but on the other hand, I have to celebrate this milestone.  When faced with such a big project, it's really the only way to do it.  So today I celebrate getting to this point with this self congradulatory blog post.

I still can't reveal anything yet about the story itself, but my characters are now in the thick of things.  I will guide them through the rest of the first draft until I arrive at the 63,750 word mark which is my next milestone to work towards.  That will be the three quarters done mark and will really be an encouraging goal to reach.  

Hopefully I'll make better time in getting to that next goal than I feel I did for this last one.  Maybe I should make a shorter goal, say to the the nine sixteenths mark?  Well,... maybe not.  Three quarters done feels like a real goal to work towards.  And I'm determined to make it there sooner than this last goal.

Considering that I'll have less words to complete to get to this next goal, perhaps it won't seem so daunting.  Maybe it will come much sooner than I'll expect.  God willing, as I'd like to start to feel the project is getting closer to completion.  I'd like to see this dream realized.  At least with a completed first draft.

August 11th, 2014:
Current Novel Word Count:
   42.541 Words 
Percentage towards 1st Draft Goal:  50%!!!!