Novelist in Training

Join S. Steven Smith as
shares the experience
and progress of writing his first novel.

   Welcome to my novel writing experience!

Procrastination or Real Life Getting in the Way?

The Outline done three weeks ago, I'd actually started into the novel a tad on that same day, knocking out about a thousand words, but that only gets me to 1/85th of the way to my ultimate goal.  After that I was going to set up a schedule to write, but some things happened that caused me to go in other directions for a bit.  A website I'd created in 1997 needed to be revamped as the old content system I'd used was prone to hacking and my Internet Presence Provider was going to delete it if I didn't update it.  So I've been working on that and it's now done. 

Additional issues at my day job have caused me to work some 12 and 13 hour days, so any writing during this current period is probably out of the question, but this should change in a few days.  I'm dealing with these issues at my daytime job and praying for my friend from work dealing with her loss which puts all minor troubles into proper perspective.  Given these happenings, I'm having to write off this coming week for any scheduled writing, unless I happen to do some this weekend.

I,... like most other writers; I'm sure, realize that procrastination is my worst enemy.  I suppose there was about of week of that involved after completing my outline, until these other things came up.  But at this point, I'll plan on getting on my new track next week, when things should calm down at work and I can get back to my normal 9 1/2 hour workday there.  I'll need to get my schedule set next week, though, as that appears to be the key to make writing a habit and allow me to work through the creation of my first novel, one chunk at a time.  Only about 84,000 more words to go.  Wish me luck and say a prayer for me.

January 25th, 2014:
Finished Novel Outline:  13,429 Words
Current Novel Word Count:  1,030 Words